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Come into the Circle!

Dance for peace and beauty,

And the world we're livin' in.


Oh Dancer!

Dancin' for your people!

Dance for those who're livin' now,

And the ones who lived back then.


One foot in the future,

And one foot in the past,

Dancin' for the children,

And you hope they'll make it last.



Weaving ancient wisdom

In the tapestry of time,


Oh dancer!

Your people all around you!

The singers are the poem,

And your dancing is the rhyme!


One foot in the future,

And one foot in the past,

Dancing for the world we know,

And hoping it can last.


Oh dancer!

Dance into the circle

For all the world to see.


Oh dancer!

Say a prayer for me!


Man Wolf Strayhorn

August, 2001

Dedicated to all the dancers in all the Pow Wows all over this great land!


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Copyright © 2005 Man Wolf's Flutes
Last modified: 11/08/05